Compelling, flexible and performant are some of the attributes that completely describe Modern experiences in SharePoint. Leveraging the modern experience, users can create beautiful, dynamic sites and pages that are mobile-ready. Everything said and done but how do you go about creating a modern experience for your organization?
Read on to learn about the modern experience and how to utilize it.
Customization is an integral component of branding. Understanding the branding requirements of organizations, SharePoint Online offers an updated set of default site themes and site designs that can be customized to reflect your brand’s values and ethos. In addition, the themes are responsive and look amazing on any device. Further, custom themes can be used to achieve additional branding.
Search is an essential part of any website. A user should be able to find what they are looking for quickly and easily. SharePoint Online offers both classic and modern search experiences. In comparison to the classic experience, modern search is more personalized i.e. two users even if they search for the same words, the results they get are different from each other. Each user will only see results that they have access to, and not documents that are private.
Hub sites and information architecture
In stark contrast to classic SharePoint architecture, the modern SharePoint experience is more adaptive and flexible to changing needs of your organization. Typically, the classic architecture is built using a hierarchical system of site collections and sub-sites. In addition, it comes with site designs, inherited navigation and permissions. The biggest drawbacks associated with this structure is inflexibility and difficulty to maintain.
On the other hand, when it comes to the modern SharePoint experience, every site is a site collection and associated to a hub site. A hub site is a flat structure of sites that share elements like navigation and branding. The biggest advantage associated with this architecture is the high flexibility and the ability to adapt to changing business needs.
Classic and modern SharePoint architectures adhere to the fundamental principles and good practices for site and page navigation. However, the options to implement navigation differ based on the framework of sites and intranet. Talking about the modern experience, hub sites provide a great way to achieve the cross-site navigation features previously available in managed navigation and site hierarchies in classic SharePoint.
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Written by Sneha Gopal
She comes with 4 years of experience in content management and have worked with brands from the US and UK. An enthusiastic content crafter, she loves travelling and learning about new Microsoft Technologies.