Utilizing the best SharePoint Features that can benefit your HR Team daily

Topics: SharePoint Intranet Portal, Collaboration, Employee Onboarding, HR Portal

Written by Sneha Gopal

Does your organization have an Office 365 subscription? Then Microsoft SharePoint  is something you get automatically. Even though SharePoint was around since 2001, it wasn’t until 2007 SharePoint release that organizations across the globe started harnessing the platform for collaboration, communication, document management and much more. 

Over the years, SharePoint has evolved to be the most preferred choice among organizations to meet their HR needs. Low cost, collaboration and productivity-boosting benefits of the platform have played an incredible role in increasing popularity. 

However, what if your organization has a demographically and geographically diverse workforce, often siloed within their respective departments. How do you ensure that different teams collaborate well? How do you empower your employees to achieve professional goals and at the same time provide them with a great work environment to achieve the same?

An intranet portal is all you need!

Dock Modern Home Mockup

Think, what if you have access to a SharePoint Intranet Portal? Awesome isn't it? That's exactly what Dock 365 is all about. It is a clean, pre-built intranet portal powered by Microsoft Office 365 and SharePoint.

You may think that how can a SharePoint implementation help your HR team? Dock provides a dedicated HR and Employee Resources Portal that automates a vast majority of time-consuming tasks carried out by your HR team. Let's explore how our dedicated SharePoint HR Portal can improve productivity, collaboration and ultimately provide more value to your organization.

Employee On-boarding & Off-boarding

On-boarding and Off-boarding

Dock Employee Portal

Say no to huge costs and time loss incurred during employee onboarding and off-boarding. With Dock's SharePoint based employee onboarding and off-boarding features and intuitive checklists, you can automate the entire tedious process with minimal HR intervention.

Ready to read our blog on Why use Dock SharePoint for Employee onboarding? To learn more about using the HR portal. 

 Easy Task Management

Provide your HR team with workflows, digital tools, and other resources to easily complete everyday time-consuming administrative tasks. This will not only improve the overall employee experience and productivity but also help the HR team to focus more on production and business-critical tasks. You no longer need to run after people to know the status of a task, it is readily available in your dashboard. Further, enable your employees to do ‘more with less’ and thus reduce costs and maximize returns.


 Collaboration, Employee Engagement and Self-Help all Completely and Successfully Under One Roof

Employee Directory

Dock HR portal

Empower your employees to manage majority  of their tasks independently. With Dock's HR portal, your employees will be able to request leaves, time off, view their handbook, payroll, FAQ, access forms, forums, policies, company news, surveys, and even complete their own training  all in the same environment. This plays a great role in ensuring high-level of employer engagement at the same time reducing the unproductive calls, e-mails and in-person requests to the HR team. Thus, providing them time to concentrate more on other productive tasks or projects. 


Automated Requests and Approvals


With a dedicated HR portal that is powered by Microsoft Office and SharePoint, you can easily create completely customizable workflows as per your organization's requirements.

The entire process of requests and approvals will become paperless and automated.  Both the requester and approver can view the status of the request in the dashboard. Thus, making the follow-ups easier and less time-consuming. 

Are you ready to know more about Dock 365 and its dedicated HR intranet portal?

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