Dock 365 is committed to providing you with tools and information you can use to take your business to the next level. At Dock 365, we believe that success and knowledge go hand in hand. Our goal is to ensure that all companies have access to information they can use to be more efficient and effective. Make sure to follow and subscribe to our blog for insights into the latest business solutions, trends, and practices.
Among the most influential factors behind the success of a Microsoft SharePoint deployment, there is a properly streamlined engagement execution. Employee engagement is a very important factor that will play a critical role in making your SharePoint deployment a great success. The communication or understanding between leadership and the employees of an organization is also important. Leadership engagement can increase employee productivity, and it can also assure that your workforce is working towards the same goals and mission. Even though the effectiveness of the leadership factor greatly depends on the leadership skills of individuals, the efforts to create a better leadership engagement always succeeds. In this blog post, we will tell you about the significance of leadership engagement and the steps to create a leadership site in SharePoint.
In this second part (part 1) of our blog series ‘How News Feature Work in SharePoint Online’, we would like to talk about how to utilize some of the News Feature options in SharePoint. We will talk about how to create a news post from a Team Site/Communication Site, and how to add news post in SharePoint using a link. There are a lot more in this blog that will help you make the most of this excellent feature.
SharePoint News feature allows you to share updates and news among your employees or team easily. This is very useful when you have a large group of employees to address. This blog will show you how to create an organization news site in SharePoint Online. The title might let you think that you are creating a new site for putting organization news. However, you are defining some of the important sites as Official sites or Authoritative sites.
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