Reshaping the Way You Work

Dock 365 is committed to providing you with tools and information you can use to take your business to the next level. At Dock 365, we believe that success and knowledge go hand in hand. Our goal is to ensure that all companies have access to information they can use to be more efficient and effective. Make sure to follow and subscribe to our blog for insights into the latest business solutions, trends, and practices.

How to Leverage Power BI for your SharePoint Reporting

Ever thought about leveraging Power BI with your SharePoint reporting data? The modern list experience has improved the out-of-the-box views but, it can be difficult to create visual reports, which the users are looking for. What about using Power BI as a game changer? This is the best way for producing visual reports - So, let's go through the basics and integrate Power BI with SharePoint and see what are the possibilities.

How to Set Up SharePoint Metadata for Your Intranet Portal

So, what is SharePoint Metadata? Before stepping into SharePoint Metadata, lets understand what Metadata is. Metadata is information about information. For example, a book's title and author is metadata. Metadata can be many kinds of information - a location, a date, or a catalog item number. When you use SharePoint products, you can manage the metadata centrally. You can organize the metadata in a way that makes sense in your business and use the metadata to make it easier to find what you want.

Is SharePoint Online a Threat to Other File Shares?

I remember the initial days when working with a media agency in Dubai, United Arab Emirates back in 2009. We had network drives synced to our laptops and all the final creative files had to go into the server (one user at a time to avoid duplications and rewrites). The most important thing is that we had to be “in the office” to do so. Two years later, the revolutionary Microsoft Office 365 came out and we were super excited when we had to say good bye to our old good “servers”.

It's time to Automate your Business Processes!

I used to find it difficult to explain to a colleague or friend what I do; “I develop sites, workflows, forms for helping business perform better”. Doesn’t it sound evasive and dull? Let’s be honest!

These days, the workflows aren’t the necessity for corporations, but SMBs too and yes for any individual, for their productivity: avoid doing repetitive jobs.

How to Improve SharePoint Document Search Capability

After the release of Microsoft SharePoint 2016, we have been seeing drastic changes to the cloud offers being more cost effective and strong. The most important feature is the search feature in SharePoint. Clubbed with the eDiscovery feature, SharePoint search works perfectly for an organization – more like an internal google search feature.

Why SharePoint Online for your Company Intranet?

We have worked on several company intranet Projects and Content Management Solutions since 2001. Looking forward, Intranet has become an inevitable part of our business. With our SharePoint expertise over these years, we have developed a Ready-to-Go Intranet called Dock Intranet Portal.

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