Dock 365 is committed to providing you with tools and information you can use to take your business to the next level. At Dock 365, we believe that success and knowledge go hand in hand. Our goal is to ensure that all companies have access to information they can use to be more efficient and effective. Make sure to follow and subscribe to our blog for insights into the latest business solutions, trends, and practices.
You will confront a lot of challenges while running an organization. Finding solutions to tackle all those obstacles and strengthening your organization, in terms of innovation and product/service quality is what determines the success you get to taste. An intranet portal can be considered as a tool or an inevitable technology that let you instill innovation in your business. Without Innovation, it will be hard to stay competitive in the modern world. Here, we will give you a deep insight into how an intranet portal can help innovation in companies.
An Intranet portal software is more than just a medium in your organization’s digital workplace today. They set the overall morale of your employees and treat them the way they need to be. By designing and tuning them up at the right level, you can keep your employees, productive, engaged and moreover happy & satisfied. In order to get this right, an intranet portal software should be able to convey powerful messages to users.
Great collaboration and communication are important ingredients for a successful organization. Especially when the organization is working on a mobile enterprise work culture this is crucial. SharePoint Intranet has risen to these expectations of the modern organizations, and they are presenting features and tools that enhance team collaboration to a superior level. Here is how SharePoint Intranet Enhance Team Collaboration.
For last few years we are hearing a lot about the evolution of intranets and their new capabilities. Intranet portal has went through a lot of changes and along with new technologies and concepts, they have managed to serve organizations, stakeholders, and employees in an efficient, smart, and brilliant manner. Not only these platforms let its users perform tasks better, but they provided good control over resources, communication requirements, and collaboration with everyone important in a work environment.
Office 365 and SharePoint Online serve a wide spectrum of customers with diverse usability and security needs. There are customers who don't mind numerous authentication prompts if it ultimately means their data will be secure on the other hand there are other customers who despise the sight of a login prompt.
In this blog we discuss how you can restore deleted files in the new SharePoint Admin Center. When a global or SharePoint admin in Office 365 deletes a site, it is moved to the site collection Recycle Bin and retained for 93 days. After 93 days, sites and their content and settings are permanently deleted, including:
Wondering how to best use and configure your SharePoint team site to collaborate and communicate with both team members and partners, manage tasks, share reports, track events and much more. This blog post is a guide to help you better leverage the SharePoint team site.
Microsoft Search effortlessly brings searching work and the web together in one experience. Use Microsoft Search for a simple, fast, powerful, and safer way to get the right information at the right time in any browser and on any device.
SharePoint site owners can now apply custom styles and colors to sites and thus making it easier to define and manage themes across site collections. Customize the look of your SharePoint site to reflect your brand's value. The options available to a site owner depends on the version of SharePoint being used by him/her..
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