Dock 365 is committed to providing you with tools and information you can use to take your business to the next level. At Dock 365, we believe that success and knowledge go hand in hand. Our goal is to ensure that all companies have access to information they can use to be more efficient and effective. Make sure to follow and subscribe to our blog for insights into the latest business solutions, trends, and practices.
Welcome to the second part of our blog series that is intended to make you aware of all updates introduced to Microsoft Teams in 2020. In the first part, we talked about all the new updates that were released until April. Let us see the list of updates that rolled out from May to September in this post.
As we all know, Collaboration Softwares are an integral part of businesses today. Without them, it is not the same anymore. Microsoft Teams is one of the most popular and reputed ones among them today and just because Microsoft is behind this solution, we know it is going to be fantastic in all areas. No doubt that the software comes with a ton of features, capabilities, and options. What made us a fan of this productivity solution is the way it is getting bigger and better each month. We all love software solutions and technologies that are getting enhanced and adapted to changing situations and demands. Microsoft Teams is a master choice when it comes to reaching up to the expectations of the modern world and practical requirements. Today, we are going to tell you about the top updates introduced to Microsoft Teams in 2020.
SharePoint News feature is a very cool facility that can be utilized to keep your team informed about all important news within the organization. When compared to the SharePoint News options and configuration earlier, now in the Modern SharePoint environment, this feature is revamped and made more friendly. The News feature on the SharePoint Teams Site is much more than just an announcement facility. By including rich formatting and graphics, you can utilize this facility to let your team, colleagues, and partners know about status updates, internal news updates, and more. We are here with comprehensive information on SharePoint Modern News Feature Web Experience.
Microsoft Teams and Office 365 Groups are the latest additions to the Office 365 Suit. There are a lot of things you can do with the latest editions to the Microsoft package. It's important that businesses learn all the can so they can use these tools to improve their performance and effectiveness. In this blog, we will help you gain a deeper insight into how to enhance an existing Office 365 Group with Microsoft Teams.
In part one of this series we discussed where there are ways to improve outlooks task management capabilities and how to integrate successfully and setup One Note to begin utilizing it as a project management tool if you'd like a recap visit our blog. In this article, we're going to take it to the next level by showing you how to organize correctly and efficiently implement the One Note integration so that you can always stay on top of your tasks.
Using Your New Task-to-OneNote Integration
The project management tool should be able to keep you updated on the project you are working on. Whenever new tasks get added to your plate regardless if they're from an email your boss sends you, assignments provided by a project manager, or anywhere else, the process is the same; create the work in Outlook Tasks, highlight it (click on the task) and then select the OneNote icon at the top of the Tasks page.
First, OneNote (ON) will ask what section to place this new “page.” This is where you select the Project where this task belongs once completed ON will import the task automatically.
Marketing is a fast developing and moving function within the company, having the best and most efficient tools at their disposal is essential to be successful. Having a Marketing team that leverages the company’s modern intranet portal allows for office processes to be streamlined and automated, which could just be the effective solution needed to get more bang for your marketing buck while reducing overhead.
After much thought and consideration, you have decided to use a company intranet. A powerful tool for modern businesses, it is highly effective in promoting communication and collaboration, improving employee engagement, effectiveness of an organization’s operations and much more. Organizations across the globe are investing in intranet technology as a solution to solve numerous issues faced by businesses every day. Building an intranet software can be exciting and daunting at the same time. One step at time, let’s get started.
The old aphorism “If you want to walk fast, walk alone. If you want to walk far, walk together” holds true for today’s generation z companies as well. Even in this age of cut-throat competition, collaboration is at the core of business success.
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