Reshaping the Way You Work

Dock 365 is committed to providing you with tools and information you can use to take your business to the next level. At Dock 365, we believe that success and knowledge go hand in hand. Our goal is to ensure that all companies have access to information they can use to be more efficient and effective. Make sure to follow and subscribe to our blog for insights into the latest business solutions, trends, and practices.

Overview of Search Components in SharePoint Server

Structuring the search architecture essentially depends on the fact where the user intends to use search i.e. the enterprise or  Internet sites. The search architecture consists of  search components and databases. While building the search architecture, there are different factors to be considered including fault tolerance, volume of your content, high availability, estimated amount of page views and queries per second, etc. 

SharePoint Spaces-Bringing Mixed Reality Experiences to Anyone on Any Device

SharePoint is the first and last choice of over 400,000 customer organizations across the globe when it comes to content services and collaboration. Innovation at its heart, SharePoint led to a paradigm shift in the industry by bringing enterprise content management to the cloud and incorporating AI into  collaboration with the Microsoft Graph.

An Overview of Hybrid Configuration in SharePoint Server

Is your organization planning to move existing on-premises SharePoint Server services to the cloud?Then SharePoint Server hybrid is something you should definitely know about. It provides an excellent migration path by extending high-impact SharePoint Server workloads to SharePoint Online.

How to Create a Lookup Column to another SharePoint Site?

A lookup column is a referential integrity between the lists in SharePoint. It retrieves one or more values from a target list if those values match the value in the lookup column in the source list.

What are SharePoint Content Types and How to Create them?

While working in SharePoint, Content Types is something you would have heard often. In fact, everything in SharePoint revolves around Content Types. For that matter, you have been unknowingly using it ever since you started using SharePoint. 

Credit Unions-Leveraging SharePoint to Optimize Business Processes

The financial industry is changing at an unprecedented rate. All thanks to fierce competition, changing customer needs and stricter regulatory laws. Today's customers need personalized services at their fingertips. Adding to the challenge, our mega-mergers and decreasing margins. 

How Credit Unions Can Improve Employee Collaboration Using SharePoint?

Gone are the days when restrictive cubicles epitomized work spaces. In this digital time and age, not just workplaces but workforce is also evolving. They are no longer restricted to the four walls of a office space but spread across numerous locations. For any organization, employee communication and collaboration is vital to achieve success. The same applies for financial institutions like Credit Unions. 

How SharePoint Intranet Makes Your Organization More Secure

How important is safety for your organization? It is one of the biggest priorities, right?  Even the internet seems to appear like the Wild West when it comes to security of an organization.  Cyber crime stays on par with the technological advancements of the internet.  As security adapts, so does the crime.

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